Trapol8 case study

Private Equity Firm Acquisition Due Diligence

"In less than an afternoon, we went from thousands of documents in a VDR to analyzing data in our own BI software. "It was incredible."

"We were buying a company and had a VDR with thousands of documents -- custom agreements, employment contracts, vendor agreements. You name it. "In a Trapol8 Workspace we set up just for this project, we created forms for major document types, contacts, companies, and a catch-all form for the remaining documents. "We moved the documents from the VDR into a Box account. We signed into our Box account from inside Trapol8, pointed our forms at the documents, and used TrapolBot (Trapol8’s AI) to analyze them. "TrapolBot created suggestions for several thousand data points. Each suggestion had a confidence score indicating how confident TrapolBot was that it was correct.  "One of our analysts reviewed the initial suggestions and created rules to automatically approve suggestions where we were comfortable with the confidence scores. The rules then ran against the remaining suggestions, turning several thousand suggestions into a hundred or so in a few minutes. Our analyst could then focus on these few problem areas. "Once a suggestion was approved in Trapol8, its data appeared in our Trapol8 reporting database, which we hooked up to our Tableau account. In less than an afternoon, we went from thousands of documents in a VDR to analyzing data in our own BI software. It was incredible. "We buy and sell companies. Trapol8 lowers our due diligence costs, saves us time, and lets us look at more deals. It’s a game changer for our business." - Partner, PE Firm

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